If you missed our Cook Center for Human Development Training last night on "Social Media." Please use this link to watch the presentation. https://app.box.com/s/afx8uncwtgt506ik6gfjsdtapc49v4js
over 2 years ago, Mountainair Public Schools
Summer has just began, have your kids been buried in their devices on social media? How do we limit their time on social media? How do we keep them safe while they are on social media? Join us tonight for our monthly Cook Center for Human Connection Meeting. Click on the link below and register for the event. Remember your participation and registration is anonymous. Please join us TONIGHT June 14th from 6-7pm via Zoom, to learn practical solutions to effectively manage your child's technology use and ways to protect your child! Register here for the event: https://cookcenter.info/MtnairJune14
over 2 years ago, Mountainair Public Schools
Mustang Families, report cards are ready for pick up for middle school and high school students at the high school office today, June 1st and tomorrow, June 2nd from 7 am to 3:30 pm. Also, if your student will be participating in athletics for the 2022-2023 school year, physical packets are ready to pick up. Physicals must be dated after April 1, 2022 to be accepted for the 22-23 school year. If you have any questions please call our office at 505-847-2333 ext 1010.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Vigil
Good Morning! Happy 1st day of summer break. Today begins our summer food program, we have 2 serving times, one breakfast and one lunch. See the attached schedule for your location and times.
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
Summer Schedule
To all that bought a yearbook this year please know that Josten's had told us because of scheduling and Covid issues , the only date we could submit the yearbook for publishing was June 3rd with July 15th as the delivery date. They promise to be back and totally on schedule for the next year. The good thing is that this year's track pictures, prom pictures, and lots of graduation pictures will be in this yearbook. All who bought a yearbook will be contacted when the books come in. Thank you for supporting the Mustangs!
over 2 years ago, Yearbook Class
Good Evening MMS and MHS Families, Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field day. Students, come prepared to play in water! Let’s have some Old-Fashioned Mustang Fun!!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Vigil
Don't miss our end of the year events! Stay up-to-date by simply downloading our Mountainair Public Schools app from your app store. It has everything you need to know and more. Stay in the know.
over 2 years ago, Mountainair Public Schools
Good Morning! After many calls and consulting with the town regarding low to no water pressure again, we will be on a 2 hour delay! Sorry for the short notice!
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
Due to the time and the uncertainty of the water situation, I am calling a 2 hour delay! If the situation doesn’t improve, I will make another announcement early in the morning! Thank you for your patience!
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
Good Evening! I wanted to give everyone an update about having school tomorrow. I am in constant communication with the town and I will make the best decision possible with the information I receive. I am projecting to have a decision made by later tonight or very early in the morning. Let’s be supportive of the town’s team that has been working all day trying to resolve this issue.
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
All MPS students will be dismissed at 12:30. This includes Elementary!
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
Due to the continued water situation, we are dismissing students at 12:30! If your student is a pick up please plan on being at the sites by 12:25!
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
Good Morning! Please be advised that the HS is being affected by the lack of water pressure in town. The town will keep us updated as the status of the repair. At this time, there is no plan to dismiss school.
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
Congratulations to the winners of the Mother's Day BPA basket raffle. The winners are Mary Gustin and Maria Rubi. We really appreciate everyone that bought tickets in support of our Business Professionals of America. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Business Professional of America
Mountainair BPA is selling raffle tickets for $1 for Mother’s Day baskets, made by Brittney Romero. If you would like to purchase tickets please see any BPA member to purchase tickets.
over 2 years ago, Business Professionals of America
Mother’s Day basket
This week is STAFF APPRECIATION! Help us recognize and thank all our staff members for their dedication and hard work! Just the smallest gesture of gratitude has the biggest impact! Help us make them feel as special and appreciated as they truly are! P.S. on the Mountainairpublicschools.net webpage, you can find every staff members email address!
over 2 years ago, Dawn Apodaca
Bingo fun begins TONIGHT! Please come, have fun, and help support our Mountainair seniors! See attached flyer for further details.
over 2 years ago, Linda Modgling
Senior Bindo
After today's BPA officer elections our new chapter officers have been voted in. We would like to welcome our 2022-2023 Business Professionals of American chapter officers. Ashley Varela as historian, Adora Overholser as treasurer, Aaliyah Roybal as secretary, Zoey Brown as Vice President of Communications, Lanah Rubi as Vice President of Membership, Annastashia Everett as Vice President, Janelle Potts as President.
over 2 years ago, Business Professionals of America
BPA officers
The Business Professionals of America is holding a Mother's Day raffle on May 5th at 11:10am. Two Mother's Day Baskets (made and donated by Brittney Romero) will be raffled off. Tickets are only $1 per ticket and each ticket gives you 2 chances to win one of the baskets. Winners will be contacted to pick up their basket at the Mountainair High School office on May 5th.
over 2 years ago, Linda Modgling
Mother's Day Raffle
Please join us tonight at 6pm for our April Board Meeting. We have Senior presentations continued, a budget power point presentation, and a very special award presentation to Mrs. Paulette Molina (posthumously). Mountainair School Board is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: April Board Meeting Time: Apr 26, 2022 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6037661691?pwd=RXNEWU9ZK2N5aDFxS3R3TTEza2dZdz09 Meeting ID: 603 766 1691 Passcode: Hv2Y6x One tap mobile +12532158782,,6037661691#,,,,*918831# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,6037661691#,,,,*918831# US (Houston) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 603 766 1691 Passcode: 918831 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kmOx1M4z5
over 2 years ago, Mountainair Public Schools
April 26th Agenda