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2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR

Attendance Policy 

Please call the school to inform us if your child will be absent.

Compulsory Attendance Law

  • According to state law, school attendance is mandatory for children.

  • Students will be excused for the following absences and tardies; a doctor/dental appointment, death in the family, religious commitment, illness, family emergency, or diagnostic testing.

  • A doctor's note will be required for absences longer than three consecutive days or when a pattern of absences.

  • Family vacations are unexcused absences.

  • Students will be dropped after the 10th consecutive absence.


Late Students Will:

Be escorted to the office by a parent guardian.

Check in at the office to receive a tardy slip.

Return the tardy slip to the classroom teacher.

Letters Home to Parents

3 Day Letter: Sent after 3 days of unexcused absences

5 Day Letter Sent By District Attorney: Sent after 5 days of unexcused absences

7 Day Letter: Sent after 7 days of unexcused absences

10 Day Letter: Sent after 10 days of unexcused absences


Mrs. Victoria Baca

Phone Number: (505)847-2333 Ext. 2003

Cell: (505)677-5228

Email Me