calendar questions


  • Basically, calendar 1 and calendar 3 are the SAME calendar.  Calendar 1 and calendar 3 have all the Fridays that are required to “bank time for our 4-day school week” during the months of August and September. 
  • Calendars 2 and 4 are the basically the same calendar also.  On these calendars the basic construct has the Fridays used to “bank time,”  in August and then spread throughout the remainder of the school year.
  • What are field trip Fridays on calendar 1 and 3?  PED is offering to District’s a K-12 pilot program.  It is a one-year commitment that we will apply for, but the application is not ready yet.  The commitment states that school district’s must increase their calendar by 5 days and have 3 additional days in equivalent hours.  The Secretary of Education said that District’s have complete flexibility on how to implement so, we came up with “Field Trip Fridays.”  These are technically school days. The intent is that each site will choose where they go for their experiential learning.  The field trip Fridays begin in December and run through April.  Our school days already exceed the number of hours required per Statute, so there will not be any change to the length of the school day.

If you have any additional questions, please contact me, Dawn Apodaca at 505-677-5213. Due to questions, I have left the calendar voting link active. 

Thank you.