Student Transportation Department

Who is eligible to ride a school bus?
Grades K-5 (Elementary)
Students are eligible for school bus transportation if the walking distance from the registered address is at least 1.0 mile.
Grade 6-8 (Middle School)
Students are eligible for school bus transportation if the walking distance from the registered address is at least 1.5 miles.
Grades 9-12 (High School)
Students are eligible for school bus transportation if the walking distance from the registered address is at least 2.0 miles.
Modified Transportation
Exceptions may be made if hazardous walking conditions exist.
IEP and 504 committees will determine the need for modified transportation.
McKinney Vento Act
Students whose housing arrangements identify them as "homeless" under the McKinney Vento Act will be provided to and from transportation, within the District's boundary, at the request of the family.
Inclement Weather
Weather issues can cause delays, early releases, or school closures. When these happen, all precautions will ensure your student makes it home safely if they typically ride a school bus to and from school.
The superintendent will decide whether to implement an abbreviated day schedule. Information is gathered through the coordinated efforts of many people. The basis of this information is road conditions and the ability of school buses to transport students safely to and from school.
The decision to implement an abbreviated schedule will be made and announced through news media and parent notification methods (i.e., robocalls) before the start of the school day.
PARENTS: Please make sure that your contact information (especially email addresses and home/cell phone numbers) has been updated in your child’s school record so that our school staff and phone notification system can reach the correct person in the case of emergencies, for attendance calls, and notification of school day schedule changes.
An abbreviated school day schedule, or school delay, is a shortened school day that begins two (2) hours later than the regular bell schedule but ends at the regular time. Pick-up times at school bus stops will be two hours later than regularly scheduled.
If severe weather conditions materialize during the school day, the decision for an "early dismissal" may be made.
It is recommended that families have a plan in place for school weather delays and closures, as well as other emergencies.
Contact Us
Please contact Peter Nieto, the Transportation Director, if you have a school bus issue.
Call 505-847-2333 ext. 3003 or email